6G Finland promotes the necessity of the national level actions

As the research, development and education work of the next mobile network technology, 6G, has begun, 6G Finland promotes the necessity of the national level actions. The full paper in Finnish can be viewed through the link below the text.

6G has been chosen as Finland’s and the EU’s priority technology and will serve as the basis for a sustainable society in the future. Finland is the world’s leading country in 6G R&D work. Committed investments in Finland already amount to one billion euros. Thanks to the groundwork that has been done, it will be possible for Finland to create very significant export revenues in the next decades with purposeful actions. The union of artificial intelligence and 6G will be very strong, this too will expand Finland’s future commercial opportunities. However, our top position is seriously threatened, due to the scarcity and fragmentation of national funding, as well as due to the resourcing of education. Thus, in a nutshell, 6G Finland suggests following as an entry to the programme of the coming government:

During the term of office of The Finnish Government, 6G as the next mobile network technology is Finland’s priority technology. The Prime Minister’s Office directs 6G’s R&D activities, regulation, and measures to maintain an international leadership position, as well as promotion of future deployment. Sufficient education and RDI funding is earmarked for the funding of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Academy of Finland and Business Finland.

And the same in Finnish:

Hallituskaudella seuraava mobiiliverkkoteknologia, 6G, on Suomen prioriteettiteknologia. Valtioneuvoston kanslia ohjaa 6G:n TKI-toimintaa, regulaatiota, kansainvälisen johtoaseman säilyttämistoimia sekä tulevan käyttöönoton edistämistä. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön, Suomen Akatemian sekä Business Finlandin rahoitukseen korvamerkitään riittävä koulutus- ja TKI-rahoitus.

6G Finlandin esitykset hallitusohjelmaan

Link to Busines Finland site: SRIA National Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda – 6G Bridge.pdf